Then install a good optimization plugin and you're Country Email List basically done. 1. Choose fast hosting This step is easy. Choose one of the top 5 providers from this survey, and you'll have fast, high-quality hosting anyway. 2. Install a light theme WordPress doesn't have the best reputation when it comes to speed. This is mainly due to the sheer number Country Email List of horribly poorly coded WordPress themes in circulation. The main source of these slow themes are marketplaces such as Envato and ThemeForest. I advise you not to come close to these types of themes. Opt for a well-coded, lightweight WordPress theme and you'll never experience any speed Country Email List issues. Examples of these types of themes are Kadence (I use this myself), GeneratePress and Blocksy.
The good news about these types of themes Country Email List is that they are built around the WordPress Gutenberg Editor . This allows you to build any website you can think of without needing a page builder like Elementor (which also slows down your site Country Email List considerably). 3. Take it easy with plugins With every plugin you install, you ask yourself: do I really need this, or could I also control the functionality I want via my theme? Or through a bit of CSS? Country Email List Also make sure you don't have any plugins you don't use.
For the plugins you use, make sure they Country Email List come from reputable developers and have good user reviews. 4. Use an optimization plugin It's surprising what a difference a good optimization plugin can make to the speed of your WordPress Country Email List website. The most famous plugin is WP Rocket, but you have to pay for this. If your hosting provider uses LiteSpeed servers (examples from this survey of providers that do this are Cloud86 and Country Email List My. Host) then choose the LiteSpeed Cache plugin . This plugin is 100% free and without having to touch its settings.